Results for: woocommerce

Admin Columns Pro plugin

Managing large amounts of content in WordPress can be a challenge, especially when you’re handling complex content with Advanced Custom Fields or WooCommerce. WordPress’ default post, user, comment and taxonomy management screens offer little insight to stay in control of your website. If you regularly encounter this problem, I encourage you to check out Admin Columns Pro. It ships with all kinds of cool features. The most important feature is the ability to customize the columns displayed in the posts and users overview, the media library, etc. On top of that, Admin Columns Pro lets you filter and sort your content to quickly find what you need, and its Direct Editing functionality lets you update your content straight from the overview!

To make it even more interesting, they’ve just launched Admin Columns Pro 4: it’s been in the works for over a year. With a revamped interface, ranged filtering, advanced column sets per user group, it’s pretty much all you can ask for in admin enhancement. And for power-users amongst you: integration add-ons for WooCommerce, Advanced Custom Fields, Types and Pods are already included in all licenses up from the Business license. With an average rating of 98.3% and over 80,000 websites relying on Admin Columns, it’s safe to say you’ll be in pretty good company using it.

WPSatchel Themes and Plugins

WPSatchel are the people behind Maera, a WordPress theme framework to simplify the way you build sites. I have built many sites with WordPress, and I can honestly say the ones where I have used a theme framework have been the easiest to build and maintain. Maera has some great features, including compatibility with a good deal of third party plugins. My particular favourite is the integration with Twig for templating – so much easier than mixing HTML in php files converting a design to a theme.

The subscription gives you access to Maera, all Maera Add-ons including shells and plugins. Lifetime licenses enable access to any other Shell, plugin or child theme that is ever released. Over the next 12 months they have plans to release the following for active members:

  • 12 New Maera Shells
  • 5 Specific Maera child themes focusing on WooCommerce
  • 5 new Maera Add-on Plugins
  • A range of technical tutorials for active members

Applies to all plans, monthly, yearly and lifetime. Active subscriptions will automatically renew at the discounted price. Any member gets automatic updates for life for the products they’ve downloaded even if their membership expires.

Admin Columns Pro plugin

Have you heard of the Admin Columns Pro plugin? It’s the easiest way to add additional columns to your overviews for posts, pages, custom post types, media, users or comments in the WordPress admin.

The plugin gives you and the administrators of your sites a supercharged ‘Quick Edit’ to the posts overview table, allowing you to edit numerous columns inline as well as filtering and sorting them.

One of my favourite features is the integration with other plugins including Advanced Custom Fields and WooCommerce.

I recommend you taking a look at the walk through video and the extensive features the plugin offers.

WooThemes themes

The guys behind our latest deal need no introduction. WooThemes have been producing awesome themes and plugins for WordPress since 2008. They have a whole range of top quality themes to fit most types of site and have just released Storefront, a flexible and free theme that integrates with their popular WooCommerce plugin.